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Is your pregnancy high-risk?
Pregnancy alone can be a stressful time to navigate. Being told you have an issue that may be considered high-risk can make this process even harder. I want to help ease the stress of a high-risk pregnancy by making sure you are equipped with knowledge and skills every step of the way. Learn more about the high-risk pregnancy modules I have created to help break down complex pregnancy issues and support you through your pregnancy.

Modules Made Just for You
Discuss your personalized pregnancy needs and questions. Learn more about your individual issues, improve your self-advocacy skills, and work toward a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Why Dr Lexi?
Dr Lexi Hill is board certified in OB/GYN and Maternal-Fetal Medicine. She left private practice in 2019 to begin full time telemedicine services to those with high-risk pregnancies in underserved communities. As a physician, she has witnessed the lack of time able to be spent with patients regarding complex medical diagnoses, and the gap between patient and provider that seems to be expanding. By providing services directly to pregnant individuals, her goal is to bridge this gap by allowing you to EXPAND your knowledge of pregnancy issues, DEVELOP skills to self-advocate during your pregnancy, and ultimately have a positive IMPACT on your life and the lives of those around you!